小学英语作文特殊的家长会(A special parents’ meeting)
Last Saturday, we had a special parents’ meeting in our classroom. It was different from previous ones.
At 8:00, the meeting began, there were two directors---Weng Xiaoyu and Yan Zhiqiang. Firstly, we listened to the student’s voice in their mind: many of them expressed their thanks and deep love to the parents;
Some of them said they would try their best to be the “ good children”, but they hoped their parents would understand them and not to be too strict with them;
Some of them hoped that their parents would leave some time for them to deal with……Then we listened to the parents’ voice.
At last, we showed ourselves, we performed a lot of programs, like singing, dancing, telling English stories etc.
The meeting built a bridge between our students and parents. It made us understand our parents more!
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