sports meeting英语作文
My every year the school held a sports meeting。 This year it was the turn of this session we have is the twelfth session。 I am very excited and nervous。 I very happy can compete with the classmates happy running。 But I am still very worry about no place。 So I try to prepare。
The game was soon to。 I was very nervous at the beginning, until the start of the relay race。 The relay has been the most spectacular game, embodies the classes representing classes。 I was the last one stick。 In the face of all the encouragement, I must not give up。 In front of us is not divided with other class under。 That is to say I this stick is to determine the outcome of a stick。 I'm trying sprinted for the line。 This two hundred meter for me, is very important for the class as a whole。 I have to run。 The final end of this sports meeting。
I succeed。 I laugh, and everyone together took a certificate。
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