II. is hoped; to look; won’t leave; has proved; is
III. 1. There are a variety of vehicles in Shanghai, most of which are crowded / jammed all day long.
2. The writer is not much concerned about people’s attitude towards his new book.
3. Because / Out of ignorance, the child exchanged the gold medal his father had won in a match for a bar of chocolate.
4. The more careful you are in an exam, the fewer mistakes you will make.
5. We must / should forbid people to wear leather clothes , because making them involves killing rare animals.
II. 1. exist; 2. to be / are; 3. be paid 4.buy 5. has been /rated
III. 1. It’s reported that medical services are availble to people her all the time.
2. My friends are interested in the way that / in which / X I tour/travel around the world.
3. Besides what is mentioned above, we must remove anything that / what might do harm / be harmful to young people.
4. Whether you will succeed or not depends on what you are made of.
5. He is a very efficient person and he usually finishes his work ahead of schedule.
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