
时间:2023-06-08 13:13:33 | 来源:草料作文网


jī kǒu niú hòu

【成语出自】:臣闻鄙语曰:‘宁为鸡口,无为牛后,今大王西面交臂而臣事秦,何以异于牛后乎?’  西汉·刘向《战国策·韩策》
【英文翻译】:1.fowls beak and ox buttocks
2.preferable to lead in petty position than to follow behind greater leader
3.It is better to be the bill of a chicken than the anus of an ox.
4.The king of a small country is preferable to a prime minister of an empire.
5.It is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

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