Unit 1答案基础夯实Ⅰ、1-5 DBFEAⅡ、 1. full of2. because of3. flight4. direct5. pilot6. at the end of7. as long as8. looking forward to能力提高Ⅲ、1-5. CCAAB6-10 BAAABⅣ、1. because of2. filled with3. flew to4. have fun5. or least oftenV、 1-5. ABCDA6-10 BCDABⅥ、 1-5BCADD视野拓展Ⅶ、1. An egg.2. A mushroom.3. 、The horse′s shadow.Unit 2答案基础夯实Ⅰ、 1. take off2. surprised3. stupid4. Take care5. looking for6. officerⅡ、1. seat2. pocket3. stupid4. offered5. surprised6. jacket能力提高Ⅲ、1. 1-5BCBBC6-10 DAAADⅣ、1. took a tour; coach2. have a look at3. had better4. had a good time5. Take careV、 1-5BDACA6-10 CDBCAⅥ、 1. Children. / For children. / It' s for children.2. Because they think being close to nature is good for children. /Because they think the survival activities are good for children.3. They usually watch TV and play computer games. /Watching TV and playing computer games. /What they do is to watch TV and play computer games. /What they do is watching TVand playing computer games.4. They don' t know what to do. /They feel uncomfortable terrible . /Not comfortable. /Uncomfortable. /Terrible. / They don' t feel com-fortable.5. They can learn some survival skills. / They can learn to stay calm in different times, keep safe and work in team.视野拓展Ⅷ、 1. Your age.2. Y.3. Grow old.Unit 3答案基础夯实Ⅰ、1-5 CACAD6-10 CACBCⅡ、1. successful2. succeeded3. surprising4. surprised5. Because of6. because7. at theend of8. by the end of9. took place10. hap-pened能力提高Ⅲ、1. flew direct; a little late2. as long as3.taken the wrong4. gets/got on; looks/looked for5. stupid I amⅣ、1-5 BABAB6-10 DACCDⅥ、 1. Maybe we can sit in a car that can driveitself.2. Google.3. Yes, they have.4. Roberts make safer drivers than humans.5. Because it is expensive and costs about $ 100,000.视野拓展Ⅶ、1. Vegetable.2. When you are in it.3. Result.
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